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Patio People: Welcome! Thank you for choosing PatioStore.com as your new, all around outdoor fun and relaxation store. First, before you continue on your search through our huge selection of backyard essentials, we want to make you a promise.
We promise to work as hard as we possibly can by answering any questions or concerns you might have (call anytime, (888) 814-7531) to earn your satisfaction. We aren't satisfied until you're calling excitedly explaining how much your family and friends love that new cushioned patio lounging set on your amazingly comfortable patio. You don't have to tell them about the premium plush deep seating cushions made by Sunbrella's acrylic patio furniture fabric at no extra cost--that can be our secret. We not only want you to be pleased with your purchase, we want you to enjoy it even if it's five, ten, or fifteen, years later. That's right, some of our patio furniture and outdoor brands protect their merchandise with 20 year warranties! All you'll need to do is call your patio expert and we'll do everything we can to help you find and receive a fair resolution with the manufacturer's warranty. Our team of patio furniture, greenhouse, gardening, patio cover, and even swimming pools experts will meet and exceed your expectations and earn your trust, so that we will be your favorite outdoor essentials online store.
We offer you top brands such as Woodard Furniture, Telescope Casual, and Polywood. Be confident that your newest patio investment is safe and enjoyable for decades to come. Call us anytime at (888) 814-7531 to speak with your Patio Expert, or just browse through our wide selection of quality outdoor products. Thanks again for your time.
- The Folks at PatioStore.com